sábado, 13 de março de 2010

Pára! .. e ouve xD

Vânia: Miguel:


quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2009

A strange Easter Story

This year, a strange Easter happened. I was the only person who survived that nightmare.

The day was beautiful and nobody suspected anything.

The Easter Bunny wanted to be different because he was sick of the routine.He decided to kill everybody in that village.

So he went from house to house.He rang the bell so that people went to answer the door, while he found away to get in and kill them.He used explosives eggs.

He sprinkled blood and the flowers died when he passed by them.The children cried a lot.It was a terrible nightmare.

He killed everyone in that village but as I was hidden, I managed to survive.

quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

sábado, 24 de janeiro de 2009